Our Focus Area

Our Focus Area


Community development for convergence of services and building their capabilities/strengths through soft skills and knowledge for becoming self-reliant


Facilitating both formal and non-formal education to pursue higher and right vocation to become reposible adults.


Women are nurtures and empowered to reach their fullest potential through support groups with increased coping capacities to take ownership of their own lives.


The community are nurtues to restore a sustainable and resillient enviroment by focusing on urban plantation and upcycling plastics with greater responbilities.


Sustainable Community Reducing Inequalities
As a overall program aligned with Sustainable Development Goal’s efforts done by PSPK, we aims to reduce poverty and promote sustainable livelihood among the B40 community through the following intervention such as women are facilitated through PSPK Women Empowerment Centre to form support groups to come together under one platform to address their issues. Besides that, our PSPK Community Service Centre specifically act as a bridge to converge the legal assistance and all available services for the community to ensure the right person gets the right benefits. All victims of gender-based violence; vulnerable women, abused women, and alienated single mothers with children are provided with temporary shelter at PSPK Women Development Centre at no cost with the initiatives taken to assist them leading their life independently with dignity. PSPK support tool have the potential to empower the beneficiaries and help them to make good decision by exchanges of knowledge and experience within the support group existance.


Empower All Women And Girls
Women play an important role as a agent of transformation. They play an important and significant role in the families, community, society, and nation. PSPK aims to empower women, especially single mothers, abused mothers with their children, destitute women and women heading their families by helping them stand on their own through introducing skill training, learning, and development centres with the initiatives aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 5 – Achieve Gender Equality.
Generating economic income is often not enough to empower women. Therefore, in PSPK the beneficiaries will undergo continuous growth with us. PSPK empower them in many ways including knowing their rights, access to opportunities and resources, and involve in decision making. Our desire to see more positively change in the time at our community with high self esteem and beyond. The benefits for the community are bright.

In PSPK, we identify their talent and skill ability and integrate them into the income generation training project. Through training such as:

    1. Sewing Training and Development Centre
    2. Bakery Training and Development Centre
    3. Computer Learning and Development Centre

Women empowerment in the community need to be spoken louder in a mainstream and integrated manner. The programme should not be restricted to one single purpose/ one-off programme. Gender-focused objectives in PSPK are also encompassed by Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education and Goal 10 – Reducing Inequalities. These goals and objectives have catalysing consequences to empower women in their own community by not only looking at the economic growth but also as a holistic & sustainable approach impacting their way of life.


Quality Education And Promote Lifelong Learning
Though the Quality Education SDG 4 monitoring model is one step ahead in this term process, the comprehensive monitoring model in education should include efforts for casual and non-formal education settings with the lifelong learning approach, and to ensure that information is gathered on the most excluded.
The dominant emphasis in the issue is on basic educational rights of children rather than adults. Not only does it concentrate on the turn to schooling, but it also calls for rights within training.
Therefore, in PSPK, we aims to develop young talents, and reduce social ills and illiteracy by conducting the following activities at PSPK Young Generation Centre;

  • Provide a conducive atmosphere to study & create opportunities for learning
  • Organise moral education, leadership camps, seminars
  • Hangout center to discover their hidden talents and skills
  • Computer literacy skills and Language classes
  • After School Program
  • Mentoring and Monitoring sessions

Environment Restoration

Through the PSPK Rooftop Garden and Urban Farming, PSPK is dedicated to cultivating a greener future, nourishing communities, and promoting food security, improved nutrition, and sustainable agriculture. Our rooftop concept harnesses the potential of available space in urban areas, presenting a unique opportunity to address challenges such as limited land availability, urbanization, and environmental degradation. By engaging in rooftop plantation, PSPK not only contributes to sustainable development but also involves the community in sustainable practices, fosters self-sufficiency, and inspires others to join the movement. Together, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for all.

  • Rooftop Garden
  • Hydroponic Plantation
  • Seedlings
  • Micro Greens

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